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CyFishy Traveler's Absolute Newbie's Guide To Second Life

CyFishy Traveler's Absolute Newbie's Guide To Second Life

Greetings! My name is CyFishy Traveler, and I am an inhabitant of the online environment known as Second Life. I've been there since August 2006, and in the course of getting up to speed I've observed that while there are all kinds of online resources for people who are familiar with Second Life, there are very few for people who are just starting to figure it out, or even for people who haven't signed up yet. Admittedly, there are all kinds of helpful places for newbies within Second Life itself, but that can be a bit like learning to swim by getting chucked in the deep end. So I decided to create this little site so people who are just starting out--or are thinking about it--can get a feel for it so they can enter Second Life with a little more confidence.

To this end, I will be adding a Highly Opinionated FAQ, various tutorials and eventually other things to help Second Life newbies (and, heck, maybe even veterans.)

The Highly Opinionated FAQ

Five Things To Do Before You Get Started

Five Things To Do Just After You Get Started

The SLexicon: a Glossary of Second Life Terms

How Do I . . . ?

Ways To Get Inworld: Second Life Viewers

CyFishy's Tips For Noobs #1: How To See What You're Doing

CyFishy's Tips For Noobs #2: How To Dress Yourself, Part One: Clothing Layers

CyFishy's Tips For Noobs #3: How To Dress Yourself, Part Two: Attachments

I also have a blog-type-thing, The Strange But True Adventures of CyFishy Traveler.

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